
Exterior Specialty Painting
When you’re looking for a contractor to paint your home or business, hiring a painting contractor can be a daunting task with all the different bids, prices and different scopes of work quoted. Westbrook Home Remodeling always provides a detailed estimate with proven performance in our references and years of experience. Westbrook Home Remodeling is proud to have achieved the exclusive status of Premium Coating Roofing Contractor for GAF, ( Commercial Roofing Products Division), north america’s largest roofing manufacture. Premium status is awarded to a contractor based on their commitment to installation excellence and continuous education. This status ensure you, our customer receives their best and safest choice in roofing and enables us to offer the Diamond Pledge NDL ( No Dollar Limit) roof guarantee. We are one of the few painting contractors that are fully insured due to the extensive labor involved with painting and the high cost associated with Worker’s Comp insurance.
Our services range from elastomeric stucco coatings, specialty roof coatings, exterior painting, interior water damages, ceiling textures, and waterproof finishes. We’ve got you covered! Give us a call for a free estimate at 770-466-4681.

As you know, prep is one of the most important steps involved for receiving a quality painting job. The first step requires pressure washing with a mildewcide, such as Jomax mildew remover and bleach when mixed creates a chloride release to remove all the mildew from the surface area with very minimum pressure is the key to a clean start. Sanding the surface is the next step along with priming bare or chalking surfaces. Most contractors leave these steps out entirely on their quote. In regards to the siding swelling issues we see with older lap type siding, this type of siding requires an application method called “back brushing“ which allows for filling the bottom lips of the siding up with paint where the siding overlaps, creating a solid finish. This application method adds an additional day of labor and usually several additional gallons of paint due to filling up the cracks under the siding lips to obtain a solid finish. As with most re-painting jobs, the difference in price relates to the quality of prep, application method, and fine details, as determined or scoped by the contractor. The more details usually is a good indication of a quality job.
We suggest using a semi-gloss or low-gloss on the siding to help shed the water and mildew from collecting on the surface. The sheen will give additional years of protection from fading and chalking while allowing the finish to last up to the 5-7 year period. Finally let’s don’t forget the detail work, cleaning of the windows, screen replacements, and addressing the problem areas such as fascia boards, window sills and water related issues.. These are just a few examples which makes for money well spent when looking to hire a painting contractor.
Get Started
For a free painting estimate, Westbrook Home Remodeling would be glad to discuss your painting options with you. Give us a call at 770-466-4681 to get started or fill-out our estimate request form to get a free painting quote or consultation.

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